Sunday, September 9, 2007

It's a school night!

For Lea.

It's true-- tomorrow, Lea starts a two-morning-per-week infant program at a church here in Abingdon. There will be five babies: Lea and one other 9-month old, two 13-month olds, and one 17-month old. Caring for these five babies will be two very nice women named Glenda and Kate, in a great little room that Lea explored with great vigor at the open house last Thursday night.

We had to:

-pack a school bag with a change of clothes and a snack
-sign forms allowing her to go on "field trips" such as a neighborhood walk
-make a list of things she likes to do and is afraid of

It is so funny, really. Mostly, it's SO GREAT to be able to look forward to three hours off twice a week. My plan for tomorrow is to go the coffee shop and read a book and drink something delicious. Slowly.


FireWithin said...

Oh my gosh, thats exciting. Definitely savor the time and use it for YOU. :)

LAH said...

Aww, yay Lea! And yay for you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift for Lea and for you - Enjoy! Can't wait to hear how it all goes...

E.S.C. said...

Glenda and Kate? Next week, Lois, Bunny and Cyd?

Enjoy the classes, just as we'll enjoy Lea-proofing this apartment next week. :) Can she climb bare walls at this point?

BookBabe said...

Yep - you have to love the whole Glenda and Kate thing (although I can never see Glenda spelled correctly without thinking it's WRONG!!!!) I'm happy it went well. Did she use her cool Pittsburgh Pirate giveaway backpack?

The Hamilton's said...

I am sure that you will totally enjoy YOUR time!! And never feel guilty for it deserve it!