Saturday, September 29, 2007

In honor of my husband

"Baseball will break your heart. It's designed to."

Bart Giamatti, 1989

Thus far, I've managed to keep myself from getting emotionally invested in the season. I mean, I've followed along, but it takes a very specific set of conditions for me to get a nervous stomach or a lump in my throat.

OK, we've achieved those conditions and now I'm antsy. Despite what Brian will say, anything could happen, still. Chances are very good that one of us will wind up heartbroken sometime in the next 36 hours. Yiiiiiiiiikes.

1 comment:

BookBabe said...

My joy would be complete if I didn't love Brian so much. And I was really, sincerely sad for Tom Glavine on Sunday. He has been so great and seems like one of the nicer guys on the team, and I would hate it if this ended up being the last game of his career. And Brian was so generous and gracious and sincere in his congratulations. I hope he can see his way clear to join in our enthusiasm for the Fightin's.