Friday, May 11, 2007

So spooky. So Lost-y.

Brian thinks Jacob looks like Kris Kristofferson.

I know many won't agree with me, but I think this week's Lost was one of the best in a long, long time. Yeah, I know-- they've left a lot of really key mysteries-- the huge foot, Walt, the pilot-eating-creature, Adam and Eve, etc.-- behind, and that stinks. BUT they've come back to a really compelling way to tell the story. Or maybe they just saved all the action for the end of the season. In any case, I was watching this particular scene through my fingers, and I missed the actual Sighting of Jacob. Thought I'd save it here for anyone else who might've. I'll be honest, until Ben got flung into the window, I really thought that we were witnessing him having some kind of schizophrenic breakdown. I still think he was faking the "conversation," and that's why he was so pissed that Locke could actually hear the guy. By the way, did Jacob's little utterance remind anyone (Eric?) of the scene in Independence Day when the alien, speaking through the long-white-haired scientist, says "Release.... Me....."? Similarly spooky. Oh, how I love it.


E.S.C. said...

Peeeeeeace? Nooooo peeeeeeeeace! Diiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee!

Yeah, it was kinda like that. And frankly I don't think the writers'll ever address the four-toed giant foot; I think that was a one-off that they're trying to pretend never happened.

Holly Cummings said...

WHAT? We actually SAW Jacob? I was watching through my fingers, too... AND we already deleted the episode from DVR. Grrr. Do you think Locke's dead? I'm not sure... Ray was "killed" on ER two weeks ago, but the preview for next week's episode show him recovering in the hospital (apparently it's not 100% deadly to be hit by a truck), so my hope has been restored.

BookBabe said...

Lostpedia? It will be the death of my leisure time!

Yep. Best in a long, long time.

BookBabe said...

Mini-hijack, here:

Oh, yeah, and I was NOT surprised that Ray wasn't dead - I do have kind of a soft spot for him and Neela. But what the heck is going on with the teaser? Where are they when Tony is yelling? And is he yelling for Neela or Sarah? Argh!