Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sweet Valley What?

Random House Children's Books is re-releasing the Sweet Valley High series, with a few changes. Most notably? The twins, described as being "a perfect size six" in 1983, are now "a perfect size four." Random House is so proud of this update, they are publicizing it in a letter to media outlets. Awesome.

Right, because that's what most needed rethinking about those flakes.


BookBabe said...

Oh, I have not had so much fun reading a website as I did this one. I loved the concept of the Babysitters' Club being a high-class prostitution ring! Very sad, though, that this promotes such an unrealistic body image.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

I'll drop myself two sizes then to match. ;o)

That's so funny that you posted this, Paige. I'm reading Wendy Shalit's "A Return to Modesty" (I thought of you as soon as I started it - it reminds me of you, not that you're a young Jewish woman discerning modesty in today's society but just that Wendy is analytical and philosophical in her approach, and it reminded me of a good way! :o), and she mentiond SVH in it.

LAH said...

"Perfect" and "Size 4" = Oxymoron

BookBabe said...

I was in the "Not My Daughter's Jeans" department of Nordstrom's yesterday and they had them not only in size 6, but also, 4, 2, and, can you believe it, ZERO!!!!

I don't care how old you are, if you're a size zero you can buy any damn jeans you want!

I would love to read the thing Kelly talked about.

FireWithin said...

Gag me. At least they left it a 4 and did not turn it into a 0... too many girls think THAT is the perfect size.

Yet, I loved my Sweet Valley High... Scariest part is that I was reading them in like 5th grade, so if elementary girls are reading these, I shudder to think of what ideas they are getting.