Monday, March 3, 2008

Snowy days and fun with friends

We finally got (a very small amount of) measurable snow. I had been griping pretty much all winter that we never had pretty winter weather. A few flakes in the air from time to time, but nothing would stick. Finally last week we had a couple of inches. It actually snowed for two whole days, but it was bizarre-- snow would melt on the ground even as more continued to fall in the air, with temperatures in the 20's. So we'd get an inch, then it would melt. Then another coating, and it would melt. Then another inch, and it would melt.

Lea contemplates the weirdness of this.

It was sad to see the snow melt away, but it didn't matter too much because we were headed out of town anyway, to see our friends Mandy and Seth and their little 13-month-old cutie pie Myles. Myles is another 100% ASP baby, with two parents who were both on summer staff, as were Brian and me. In fact, Brian and Mandy were on staff together Brian's first year. It was a lot of fun to hear them reminisce about that summer in particular, and for all of us to share funny memories of staff life in general. ASP staff is probably the closest-knit network of people I've ever been affiliated with, borderline-cultlike in its ability to define almost every aspect of your life while you're involved, and sometimes for years after. (This is a good thing, by the way.) Anyway, there's just something so incredible about reconnecting with other people who've been through it, even if you don't know them real well. It's like finding someone in a faraway land who speaks the same native language you do.

Anyway. Lea raids Myles' kitchen.

And checks out his sippy cup.

And flirts with his dog.

(This is when Lea would stretch her hands out for Juniper to lick, then pull them back squealing when she did, and promptly stick them right back in her face. Thrilling!)

Recoiling to Seth's lap for safety.

Waiting for Juniper to notice her again.

Finally, this is what happens when you take something away from Lea that she wants (a camera, in this case):


E.S.C. said...

That final SBF (Sad Baby Face) is strangely glamorous. Is she wearing lip gloss?

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

I know that last face all too well (Grace at the pool last weekend, LOL) - but it's always too cute nonetheless!

How adorable she is in these pics, Paige! Love that she and Myles are both in footie PJs. :o)

LAH said...

I just LOVE Lea's shoes :)

Hope you're having a nice time up PA way!