Sunday, December 7, 2008

This is what two years old looks like

Scene: the car, as we pull into our parking space at home

Lea: (begins singing, unprompted) Baa baa baa baa have you sheep?  Yes sir yes sir yes sir yeah.

(Car comes to a stop.)

Lea: (suddenly crying real tears) NO! I don't WANT to sing songs!!


BookBabe said...

There is something Kafkaesque about two year olds - they will come out with something that makes all kinds of sense to them, somewhere in the recesses of their developing brains, but is nonsensical, even ludicrous to us. Good for you for blogging - so you can remember the details. I wish I could recollect some of the weird and wonderful things you and your brother did at that age.

E.S.C. said...

Somewhere, there's a journal entry: "June 24, 1981. Eric spent this afternoon jumping around the yard, making explosion sounds - 'PSSSHHH!' Hope phase passes soon."

Holly Cummings said...

hmm, i think i remember my adolescence sounding like that, too.