Saturday, December 1, 2007


Lea took about 10 steps at the library. So far, she'd taken one or two here and there, but tends to drop to crawling whenever she has a destination in mind. Well, it seems the determining factor is whether her hands are available. At the library, she had a book in one hand and a puppet in the other, and had her eye on the sliding-bead-table thing across the room. She took a couple steps, paused, and glanced at the chair right beside her, which she ordinarily would have grabbed onto for the next bunch of steps. But then realized her hands were occupied, so she bent her knees slightly like she was thinking about crawling. Again, hands required... so she just kept waddling until she got to her destination. We were so dumbstruck, we didn't even follow her. Then she slipped and banged her chin on the table and screamed like a banshee. Bad parents. Yay baby!

It's already been obvious that she's not one of those babies who takes one step and never looks back. This kid loves to crawl, and has been crawling all afternoon, even after her library adventure. Hey, no hurry.


BookBabe said...

How funny! If she has to get stitches in her chin, she'll be in good company with Pop Pop! Must have been quite a scene. Maybe she can walk down that long hall at FV and knock on Nana and Granddad's door!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Lea!!!! Glad you were both there to experience that moment - I love that she had a book in one hand, puppet in the other, and was heading toward the bead table - fully engaged in her world. Thanks for sharing the moment!