Monday, August 13, 2007

Yay for hwong14 and veinsofink!

News of the fantastic variety! My big brother is marrying his fabulous girlfriend. Huzzah!

I was thinking yesterday about how great it is that Lea gets two of the most kick-ass women I know as aunts. They are so different from each other, and I love that. Lea (and any other kiddos we might have) will get to have two examples of what it means to be a brilliant and driven and successful woman.

Readers of Dorks, Not Nerds know what I mean when it comes to the funny and clever and med-school-rockin' Holly. But you might not know as much about the compassionate and talented and Chicago-improv-ladder-climbing Megan, unless you live in the Chicago suburbs and happen to do your banking at Alpine Bank.

Both of these women are going places, I tell ya.


E.S.C. said...

Go us!

BookBabe said...

I totally agree! What a lucky little girl with such great aunts and a creative, cool uncle.