Monday, February 26, 2007

Flying baby

I'm learning that "playing" with a very young baby is kind of a strange concept. For starters, I never thought too much about the fact that for a good long while, Lea would basically not do much of anything. Sure, she kicked her legs like crazy pretty much from the start, but as far as interacting with the world, even a little bit-- that took a few months. So one of the first "games" I created, partly at the urging of doctors and books that suggest scheduled "tummy time", was to position her on my shins, facing down, like this:

Of course, this puts me in a bit of a vulnerable position.

Sure enough, thrice this weekend, I was forced to change my shirt after a 2-foot-long slimy spit-up strand made its way from Lea's mouth to my chest. I swear, you'd think this kind of digestive trouble would upset her, but she always flashes the biggest smile right after she's barfed a little. Awesome.

But what's really amazing is how quickly we can introduce new activities. In just a few weeks, Lea's head control improved so much, she was able to progress from lying on my shins to "flying" on just my hands.

It's fun.


E.S.C. said...

Flying baby! Ahh!

I empathize with her, smiling after a barf. Wait till she chases hot wings with a La Bamba burrito -- "Burritos As Big As Your Head!"

BookBabe said...

You can do variations on this for YEARS! I actually remember Nana putting her FEET on my stomach and extending them so I was dizzyingly high (it seemed) when I was about four or five. Of course, I was past the barfing stage (I think)!