Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lea-speak glossary

Words she pronounces consistently and obviously knows the meaning of:

Words she pronounces consistently, but sometimes in the totally wrong context:

A word she created:
Chedduh! (said with emphasis, to mean "I want that!")

Words she doesn't pronounce quite right, but we think we know what she's getting at:
Tatchoo (for "Thank you," although she says it whether she is giving or receiving something, so she might think it just means, "A transaction is taking place.")
Taaaaaaa-ee (for "Tired," in perfect imitation of the drawn-out way we often say, "Oh, Lea, you're tiiiiiiiiired! Let's go have a nap.)
Eeeeeeee-yah, or EeYAH!EeYAH! (for "Lea")

Then there are the times where she babbles what sounds like a perfectly logical sentence. For instance, one time she was throwing food, and I said, "Please don't do that." Her response? "Daddy said I could." Well, no, not really, but it sounded so much like that, I was just dumbstruck. Another time, when she was extra-cranky, I said, exasperated, "Lea, you need to find a way to calm down." She responded with something that sounded very, very much like, "I already did my yoga." Can't argue with that.

(Oh yeah, and she can also point to her nose if you ask her where it is. So cute.)


BookBabe said...

Hey, what you need is subtitles, since she is clearing speak A language with inflection and everything.

CAN'T wait to hear her!!!

Anonymous said...

"She is clearing speak A language"

Yeah ... LEA needs subtitles.

(j/k mom, couldn't resist)

Holly Cummings said...

what about yogurt?

PCJ said...

Oh yeah: "Trogger!" equals yogurt (sometimes it's much clearer, actually, but "trogger" counts too.)

BookBabe said...

Ahem! She is CLEARLY speaking A language...

Thanks, son, for editing me.

The Hamilton's said...

How cute Paige!!

Anonymous said...

I just started laughing with delight when I read this post. I think I even woke up my roommate. For some reason the idea of Lea saying Chedduh!!! really makes me happy. She is smart. After all, kids get it--HOW you say it can be much more important and meaningful than WHAT you say.

I'm only going to use Lea Vocab all day long today.

Uh-oh Tatchoo!